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Share your experience to help others decide.", "confirm_post_review": "Post Review?", "missing_order_info": "Missing order information, please check", "no_reviews_pending": "No Reviews Pending", "after_sales_list": "After-Sales List", "apply_for_after_sales": "Apply for Service", "reason_for_application": "Reason for Application", "select_reason_for_application": "Select a Reason", "customer_prompt": "Please describe your issue, photo upload recommended", "contact_customer_service": "Contact Support", "select_after_sales_type": "Select Service Type", "please_fill_in_description": "Please Fill in the Description", "after_sales_details": "After-Sales Details", "total_refund": "Total Refund", "refund_amount": "Refund Amount", "refund_commission": "Refund Commission", "refund_points": "Refund Points", "service_order_number": "Service Id", "application_time": "Application Time", "after_sales_type": "After-Sales Type", "application_reason": "Application Reason", "related_description": "Related Description", "no_after_sales_details": "No After-Sales Details for This Order", "submit_application": "Apply Now", "processing": "Processing", "completed": "Completed", "refund_only": "Refund Only", "refund_and_return": "Refund and Return", "after_sales_progress": "After-Sales Progress", "logistics_tracking": "Logistics Tracking", "tracking_number": "Track #", "courier_company": "Courier", "shipping_time": "Shipped" }, // 设置相关 "setting": { "signature": "Personal Signature", "set": "Settings", "bind": "Bind", "unbind": "Unbind", "physical_address_management": "Physical Address Management", "virtual_address_management": "Virtual Address Management", "alipay_account": "Alipay Account", "bank_card": "Bank Card", "enter_platform": "Enter Platform", "enter_merchant_backend": "Enter Merchant Backend", "my_qrcode": "My QR Code", "third_party_account_binding": "Third-party Account Binding", "wechat_public_account": "WeChat Public Account", "wechat_mini_program": "WeChat Mini Program", "wechat_open_platform": "WeChat Open Platform", "prompt": "Prompt", "confirm_logout": "Confirm logout?" }, // 弹窗相关 "pop": { "confirm": "Confirm", "cancel": "Cancel", "Commission": { "usingCommission": "Using Commission", "availableCommission": "Your available commission", "currentOrderTotalPrice": "Current order price ", "canUseMaxCommission": ", maximum ", "commission": " commission can be used" }, "ConsumptionPoints": { "usingPoints": "Using Consumption Points", "availablePoints": "Your available consumption points", "currentOrderTotalPrice": "Current order price ", "canUseMaxPoints": ", maximum ", "points": " consumption points can be used" }, "congratulations": "Congratulations", "commission_earned": "Commission Earned", "social_value_earned": "Social Value Earned", "order_success": "Order Successful", "auto_checkin_success": "Congratulations! Auto Check-in Successful!", "daily_checkin_reward": "Earned {point} Points for Daily Check-in", "level_upgraded": "Your Level has been Upgraded to", "follow_public_account": "Follow Our Public Account", "long_press_qrcode_follow": "Long Press QR Code to Follow Public Account", "wechat_friend": "WeChat Friend", "create_poster": "Create Poster", "copy_link": "Copy Link" }, // 校验规则相关 "rules": { "username": "Please enter your username", "username_taken": "Username is already taken!", "usernameNotnull": "Username cannot be empty", "nickname": "Please enter your nickname", "nicknameNotnull": "Nickname cannot be empty", "password": "Please enter your password", "passwordNotnull": "Password cannot be empty", "请输入支付密码":"Please enter your payment password", "请输入6位数字":"Please enter 6 digits", "confirm_password": "Please confirm your password", "confirmPasswordNotnull": "Confirm password cannot be empty", "email": "Please enter your email", "emailNotnull": "Email cannot be empty", "phone": "Please enter your phone number", "phoneNotnull": "Phone number cannot be empty", "avatar": "Please upload your avatar", "avatarNotnull": "Avatar cannot be empty", "sex": "Please select your gender", "sexNotnull": "Gender cannot be empty", "password_error": "Passwords do not match", "click_change_password": "Click to change password", "modify_success": "Modification successful, please log in again", "unbind_warning": "After unbinding, you will no longer be able to log in to this account via WeChat", "bind_phone": "Please bind your phone number", "enter_username": "Enter Username", "username_required": "Username Required", "enter_phone": "Enter Phone Number", "incorrect_phone_format": "Incorrect Phone Format", "enter_password": "Enter Password", "password_requirements": "6-12 chars with letters & numbers", "enter_verification_code": "Enter Verification Code", "enter_name": "Enter Name", "enter_chinese_characters": "Enter Chinese Characters", "enter_invoice_title": "Enter Invoice Title", "enter_tax_number": "Enter Tax Number", "enter_bank": "Enter Bank", "enter_bank_card_number": "Enter Bank Card Number", "correct_bank_card_number": "Enter Correct Bank Card Number", "enter_alipay_account": "Enter Alipay Account", "correct_account_number": "Enter Correct Account", "enter_email": "Enter Email", "correct_email": "Enter Correct Email" } }